Monday, February 24, 2014

Sometimes, it isn't easy to keep my mouth shut

As a contributor for Dear ELK Studio, I am privileged to see SOME of the questions that are sent in, and if I am on top of it, I get to choose the questions I want to answer.

I read through my News Feed this evening, I saw a question I would have loved to have.  As the program is set up, We contributors get to answer some of the questions posed, Much as Dear Abbey did in our daily newspaper for all those years. Some of the questions are posed on the ELK Studios Face Book Page, for her fans and followers to answer. I do not want to jump into that, and answer, that would feel wrong. I want to  allow this process to be what it is, and learn from this new experience.  It was hard not to just hop in there and add my answer.  I won't do that, I want you to.  here is the link to the question I refer to, and I want to see answers from you posted there too.

Now, I came up with another article I want you to see with regard to pricing your items for sale.
This one is related to Sewing, but facts are facts, and Artists are Artists. This is well written, and deserves your attention too.

And to revisit one more topic. I am a full on Gauge Freak these days. I have really had to work at it lately. I have been testing patterns for other designers, and getting gauge has been difficult. I get the number of stitches, but my height is always off. I am always too tall. You cannot get Sweaters and Skirts to work if you cannot get your stitches to match those of the designer.  A friend of mine tagged me a couple days ago with a blog post from one of my idols in the crochet world. I was stunned, I did not even know she wrote a blog. I was even more stunned at her post. It totally explained what I have been struggling with. I think it is a good read as well, and so I offer it, with the hope that you will be able to identify your style after reading it. Please share your style in the comments. Doris Chan, Thank You for this article from January 2009 

Until next time

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