Saturday, February 22, 2014

Who are we trying to Reach?

It does not matter what we do, Mommy Blogger, Crochet Designer, Oil Painter, or the Marketer for an Insurance Company. Every profession imaginable, has an audience that we want to reach. Some of us still want to refer to it as a Target Market, and if we are selling a product, it does still apply. It does not matter what term we attach to this group of people. They are still the same people. They have the characteristics and features that make them our desired audience.
My audience may or may not be the same as yours. I may have two or three, I will have to determine that.  So, how do I do that? How do I find them?

This was the very question I was asking a friend to help me answer. She was so quick to tell me that she had another friend who was much better suited to do a guest post on the subject.  After some discussion, I agreed to chat with this friend, and try to work something out.

I had no idea, not the first inclination what was ahead of me that day.  I went into the conversation with a clear idea that I was asking her to share her time and knowledge, to write a guest post on a subject that I had no business tackling. If you want to read about all the stuff that has not worked, I can keep you at your screen for hours. That is only so helpful. I want to offer the working nuts and bolts of the subjects. I want to offer Steak that you can chew on, and feel full when you are finished. I had a very clear in my mind idea that it was going to take more resources than I have to get it.  I did not have the greatest of expectations.  I had an old mantra in my mind, If you do not ask, you will never hear Yes!

I spent nearly an hour on the phone with this amazing woman, who understood me. She responded to my inquiry with leading questions, leading me to express myself more. She was not placating, or demeaning. I felt as if my query was genuinely important to her.  As I reached the part of my speil where I was going to have to share that I had a very small audience, and I was not sure how I would compensate her for her time....(All the while bracing for the rejection, and lecture of wasting her time) She shocked the wilies right out of me.

This woman, who is running this amazing academy that helps artists build their business is offering me this huge gift. She did not agree to a blog post on the subject, but to re-vamp a two hour seminar in which she guides people through the process of identifying the characteristics of their audience, and provides work sheets and actionable steps to connecting with them into a 3 part event. This so that the steps can be worked, and the plan put in motion. She is giving me this. No financial responsibility what-so-ever.  What's more, she is offering it to any and all who want to participate.

What is the catch? We all know there is one. None of us is so naive as to believe anything is free. Well, we must pre-register for the event, so that we can receive the worksheets by email. We also have the opportunity to be a sponsor of this event, and share it with our friends, followers, strangers who's facebook post indicates that they might benefit from it.  The details of sponsorship are located on the class room page.  I would so welcome Sponsors, Not just to build my blog presence, but for yours too.

I had a lovely conversation with Martiel today, she was walking her dog, near a marshy area somewhere near DC. She is so approachable. She has a life outside her business. She respects peoples abilities and limitations. She has assured me that if each of us in attendance uses the tools provided, we will have a grasp on our target audience by the end of the 3rd segment.

If you have questions, ask them, her contact info is on the class page, as is mine.

Until next time


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